Gigarom 4
Mac Giga-ROM 4.0 - 1993.toast
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Text File
711 lines
Tips and Miscellaneous Things that don't fit
'fillRegion' on the text.
'fillColumn' to a very large number and executing
can be mapped back to paragraph mode by setting
file, it asks the user whether or not to remap it. Files
Therefore, when Alpha detects reads a paragraph-mode
paragraph formatted file while not in paragraph mode.
there are valid reasons why someone might want to edit a
transparently convert to and from this format because
format' in the rest of the help text. Alpha does not
the fly. This is what is referred to as 'paragraph
of paragraphs, so that they can wrap the paragraphs on
Word and MacWrite only put carriage returns at the end
ordinary mac format. Word processors such as Microsoft
The fourth file format is just a modification of the
through the 'Format' button.
you to specify the format that a file is written in
use different formats, but the 'SaveAs...' dialog allows
these formats. You don't have to do anything special to
Alpha will transparently read and write all three of
return and linefeed. Typical, isn't it?).
linefeed), and IBM pc (lines end with both carriage
(lines end with a carriage return), unix (lines end with
four) different formats. The three main formats are mac
Alpha reads and writes files stored in three (or maybe
File Formats
your desktop in order to see them.
Alpha 3.6 has new color icons. You may need to rebuild
advantage of temporary memory.
system in Alpha's heap, and therefore cannot take
Note, however, that the clipboard is allocated by the
through 'useTempMem'.
the memory in your system. You can turn this feature off
across WaitNextEvent calls and may eventually use all
admonishments, Alpha does not unlock temporary memory
unavailable to other applications. Contrary to all
using temporary memory makes that much memory
if the system has that much memory available. Note that
files even when Alpha's partition is set only at 512k,
large files. This allows you to open multi-megabyte
Under 7.0, Alpha uses temporary memory to accommodate
eventually will.
yet supports "error" apple events, as I hope they
don't own it, but my understanding is that they do not
they publish them. I am unable to work with MPW as I
editors. If so, I'll accommodate their events as soon as
that Symantec will open up their system to third-party
In addition, there is always the (faint) possibility
for example.
events, such as those having to do with spell checking,
mythical Apple Events Registry I intend to support other
PrintDoc, and QuitApp. If I ever get hold of this
"required" high-level events: OpenApp, OpenDoc,
However, Alpha currently only supports only the four
Alpha is 32-bit clean and high-level event aware.
System Software 7.0 and Alpha
the old mac template uses the option key.
the 'control' key for emacs command combinations, while
not necessary. The default MacII template is set up w/
Macs have both an escape and a command key, so this is
and use the option key for the emacs command key. Newer
To do this, we map the escape key to the backquote key
key as the 'control key'.
for menu equivalents, so old macs have to use the option
key and a control key. The Apple command key is used
emulation of emacs key bindings. Emacs uses an escape
other mac application. Problems arise in ALPHA's
ALPHA's default setup uses the command key like any
The Dreaded Option Key
LF's and CR's.
• zapInvisibles - removes chars < ascii 32, except for
than 1k. Consecutive deletes are concatenated.
• yank - insert the last piece of deleted text of less
• winSearch - brings up search and replace dialog
uppercase in the current word
• upcaseWord - convert all lowercase letters to
uppercase in the current region
• upcaseRegion - convert all lowercase letters to
• undo - undo the last action that has not been undone
• tileVert - tile the windows vertically
set horizontal and vertical amount
• tileOrder - offset each window from the previous by a
• tileHor - tile the windows horizontally
• tileFull - make all windows "full screen"
• tabsToSpaces - convert tabs in selection to spaces.
• startKeyboardMacro - start recording keyboard macro
shift key in the next keystroke
keystroke combination, in the same manner as using the
• startEscape - used to further modify the next
• spacesToTabs - convert spaces in selection to tabs
• shiftRegionRight - shift the current region right a
• shiftRegionLeft - shifts the current region left a tab
in macros
• setNamedMark - set a named mark in a file, use 'mark'
• setMark - set the current mark to the insertion point
• set - macro-only func to set var values, see examples
next occurrence
• searchRfa - replace the current selection and find
• searchReplace - replace the current selection
current file
• searchRall - replace all further occurrences in the
• searchEnter - use current selection for future
the up arrow in the vertical scrollbar is selected
• scrollUpLine - same action as that which occurs when
the right arrow in the horizontal scrollbar is
• scrollRightCol - same action as that which occurs when
the left arrow in the horizontal scrollbar is selected
• scrollLeftCol - same action as that which occurs when
the down arrow in the vertical scrollbar is selected
• scrollDownLine - same action as that which occurs when
• saveVars - save variable state, see 'restoreVars'
• revert - revert the file to it's last saved version
see 'saveVars'
• restoreVars - restore variables to saved state,
• repeatSearchForward - repeat search forward
• repeatSearchBackward - repeat search backward
all selected lines.
• removeSuffix - remove the suffix string before
all selected lines.
• removePrefix - remove the prefix string before
• removeMark - allows marks to be removed.
not redone
• redo - redo the next action that has been undone but
between the mark and the insertion point.
• rectMarkHilite - creates a rectangular selection
fileset to file specified by variable 'protoFile'.
• protoFileSet - Send prototypes of all files in current
routines to file specified by variable 'protoFile'.
• protoFile - Prompt for file, and send prototypes of
• previousLine - move insertion point to the previous
• prevWindow - select previous window
• prevLineSelect - extend selection to the previous line
in the next keystroke
combination, in the same manner as using the shift key
• prefixChar - used to further modify the next keystroke
• pasteClip - paste to named clipboard
or 'copy'
• paste - insert the last chunk of text created by 'cut'
insertion point if 'moveInsertion' enabled
• pageForward - display next screenful, move the
insertion point if 'moveInsertion' enabled
• pageBack - display prev screenful, move the
one and move the insertion point to it
• openLine - insert a new line following the current
into a single space.
• oneSpace - converts whitespace surrounding insertion
• nextWindow - select next window
• nextLine - move insertion point to next line
• nextLineSelect - extend selection to the next line
first line displayed
• moveInsertionHere - move the insertion point to the
insertion point
character that matches the character after the current
• matchBrace - moves the insertion point to the
point and the mark is selected.
is not a selection, the region between the insertion
insertion point around the old selection. If there
selection is unhilited, leaving the mark and the
menu. If there is a currently hilited selection, the
• markHilite - This is the 'Hilite' from the 'Edit'
loaded text take effect
bindings or macro definitions are present in the
nothing is hilited. 'load'ing means that whatever
• loadFile - loads hilited text, or entire window if
• killWindow - kill current window
and move succeeding lines up one.
of the line. If the line has no text, delete the line
• killLine - kill text from insertion point to the end
Can be used to create bindings in 'Alphabits'.
representing and modifiers into the current window.
• keyCode - insert the key code along w/ a string
of the keydown event, plus a modifier string, if
• keyAscii - insert ascii representation (in decimal)
macro (including the keyboard macro) many times.
window. Also can be used to execute any function or
times. "option-u 44 =" inserts 44 '='s into current
• iterationCount - allows actions to be repeated many
line number along w/ the total number of lines in file
is on the first line shown, and display the current
• insertToTop - make the line that the insertion point
all selected lines.
• insertSuffix - insert the suffix string before
all selected lines.
• insertPrefix - insert the prefix string before
corresponding file into the current window. Not
• insertFile - prompts for a file name and inserts the
into text.
• insertAscii - prompts for an ASCII code and inserts
of the non-white space text
indented and the selection is placed at the start
before first non-white space of line, the line is
• indentLine - semi-intelligent indent. If cursor is
find the include file.
the suffix and use the var 'includePath' to try to
• includeFile - expand the current selection to include
• gotoMark - goto named mark, use 'mark' in macros.
• gotoLine - go to a line number
into the current window
and paste the complete path-name of the chosen file
• getPathName - present the user w/ a SFGetFIle dialog
• getHelp - display help dialog
current insertion point
• getAscii - displays the ASCII code for character at
memory reserves of ALPHA
• freeMem - give a rough approximation of the current
• forwardWord - move insertion one word forward
• forwardChar - move insertion one character forward
• forwardCharSelect - extend selection one character
• foreColor - set foreground (text) color
• findFile - open a new file
to use the file 'cTAGS' to locate the function's
• findTag - prompt user for a function name and attempt
and the selection to the column specified by
• fillRegion - wrap the region specified by the 'mark'
and 'paraEnd' (see the regular expression section).
paragraph are specified by the variables 'paraBegin'
selection to the 'fillColumn'. The limits of the
• fillParagraph - wrap the paragraph around the
• fileRemove - prompts for a file, and removes it
modification time, and creation time
creator, sizes of both data and resource forks, last
• fileInfo - prompts for a file, and displays type,
• executeKeyboardMacro - execute the current keyboard
space and tab keys act as "completion" commands.
• execute - prompt user for a function or macro. The
w/ the current insertion point
• exchangePointAndmark - exchange the current 'mark'
• endOfLine - move insertion to the end of the line
• endOfBuffer - move insertion to the end of the buffer
• endKeyboardMacro - stop recording keyboard macro
• endLineSelect - extend selection to the end of line
• endBufferSelect - extend selection to the end of the
correct line and open a new line
• electricRightBrace - insert a right brace on the
line and indent to the "proper" level.
sure that the brace is on a new line, open a further
• electricLeftBrace - if 'electricLBrace' is set, make
macro into the current buffer
keyboard macro and then dumps a definition of the
• dumpMacro - prompts the user to name the current
colors into the current buffer in Alpha-readable
• dumpColors - dump current foreground and background
lowercase in current word
• downcaseWord - changes all uppercase letters to
lowercase in current region
• downcaseRegion - changes all uppercase letters to
• doZoom - zooms the current window
• doQuit - quits ALPHA
• doTab - insert a tab
indent the new line
electricSemi' is set, insert a carriage return and
• doElectricSemi - insert semicolon, and if '
• doSave - saves current window
• doNew - opens an untitled window
• deleteSelection - delete current position, don't save
• deleteWord - delete word after cursor
• deleteChar - delete char AFTER cursor
• cutClip - cut to named clipboard
• cut - deletes and saves region
• currentPosition - displays current and total bytes.
in a file called 'cTAGS'.
and saves the locations of any function declarations
• createTagFile - searches all files in current file set
• copyClip - copy to named clipboard
• copy - copy region
• closeAll - close all windows
the middle.
• centerRedraw - redraw window with current line in
line if the variable 'indentOnCR' is set to 'on'
• carriageReturn - insert carriage return, indent new
• capitalizeWord - capitalize word
• capitalizeRegion - capitalize all words in selected
the line
• beginningOfLine - move insertion to the beginning of
of the buffer
• beginningOfBuffer - move insertion to the beginning
beginning of the line
• beginningLineSelect - extend selection to the
beginning of the buffer
• beginningBufferSelect - extend selection to the
brackets that encloses the current selection
• balance - selects smallest set of parens, braces, or
• backwardWord - moves insertion one char back
• backwardDeleteWord - deletes previous word
• backwardChar - moves insertion one char back
• backwardCharSelect - extends selection one char back
• backColor - set background color
• abortEm - aborts whatever is currently happening
but through pattern-matching the string "^[^
above, 'C' functions are detected not through parsing,
Several functions deal with 'C' functions. As stated
commands also work on blocks of text that are currently
status line will say 'Mark set'. All of the region
You will always know when the mark is set because the
commands such as 'beginningOfBuffer' or 'endOfBuffer'.
current 'mark' is set by the 'setMark' command, or
between the current 'mark', and the insertion point. The
from emacs and are used to refer to all of the text
Many of the commands manipulate 'regions'. Regions come